About Us

We are a division of Infodat International Inc., and are focused on transforming enterprises into the digital era by providing turn key Industrial Internet & Automation Solutions.

Integrating (physical + digital)Big Data Analytics = Achieve More

Our integrated solutions connect industrial machines and systems across organizations so that Big Data can be streamed into secure cloud, on which intelligent analytics can be performed that provide powerful insights that help organizations increase productivity, decrease operating costs, manage assets, reduce downtime, increase reliability and allow business to sustain positive growth and run more efficiently. Partnering with Microsoft and National Instruments, our engineers, programmers, developers, subject matter experts and managers bring decades of systems integration experience to Industrial IoT space, positioning Infodat Digital as a premium end-to-end cloud based industrial solution provider.

Be it about getting live production data from a remote well to Control Room Office thousands of miles away or using Telematics to monitor and optimize Fleet Operations across US or processing terabytes of data ingested from industrial equipment and sensors – From Oil and Gas to Healthcare to Transportation Sectors - our software expertise, portfolio of delivered projects, engineering talent and technological capabilities make us a unique solution provider driving digital industrial transformation.

We apply structured frameworks and methodologies across enterprises to identify opportunities, business value and allow them to consider areas where our technological solutions might be applied to innovate business models and optimize operational strategies to achieve long term success, by imagining disruptive possibilities beyond the incremental.

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